SISIS offers three models that aerate

By Alistair November 10, 2017 04:20 Updated

Aeration is a key process to improve drainage, reduce turf compaction and thatch build up. With three models in the SISIS range, with different working widths and varying maximum depths to suit any tractor and most applications – the Multislit, Maxislit and Megaslit are tractor mounted deep slitters which offer deep, clean penetration with minimal surface disturbance.

The Multislit is available in 1.2 (Multislit 1200) and 1.5 (Multislit 1500) metres wide options featuring a choice of interchangeable slitting tines to suit different ground conditions. This machine produces excellent underground cultivation (working depth of six or eight inches) due to the angle of the tines and spiral design of tine shaft which assist penetration. Recommended tractor power requirement is 15 to 25hp.

The SISIS Maxislit is a 1.8 metre wide tractor mounted deep slitting aerator suitable for golf course maintenance, with deep, clean penetration. It can also be used for football, rugby and cricket pitches, with a working depth of seven or nine inches. The Maxislit comes complete with a set of heavy duty tines. Recommended tractor power requirement is 25 to 35hp.

The SISIS Megaslit is a tractor mounted deep slitting aerator which gives deep, clean penetration – ideal for golf course fairways. This machine can also be used for football, rugby and cricket pitches. It has a working depth of nine or 12 inches. The 2.5m wide deep slitter, featuring 32 heavy duty tines, achieves maximum underground cultivation due to the angle of the tines and spiral design of the tine shaft assists penetration. Recommended tractor power requirement is 40hp and comes complete with a set of heavy duty tines.

These machines are simple in their design and low maintenance. Their thin sharp blades cut through the turf and root zone leaving only a slit on the surface while giving a deep optimum sub soil disturbance.

Regular slitting encourages strong, healthy root growth of the grass plants, improving tolerance to drought conditions and promoting more rapid recovery after damage in play – that’s why SISIS deep slitters are used on golf courses around the world including The Belfry.


By Alistair November 10, 2017 04:20 Updated

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