EuroGrass Pro Rapid Repair from DSV is ‘a game-changer in turf management’

By Alistair May 28, 2024 08:35

Nestled in the picturesque Avon Valley of South Leicestershire lies Kilworth Springs Golf Club, a renowned destination for golf enthusiasts seeking both challenge and beauty.

Maintaining a lush green course amidst heavy traffic has often posed a significant challenge for head greenkeeper Joel Chappell. After a thorough search for the ideal seed, Joel discovered EuroGrass Pro Rapid Repair by DSV, a breakthrough solution that has transformed the course’s resilience and aesthetics.

EuroGrass Pro Rapid Repair from DSV emerges as a game-changer in turf management, boasting rapid germination and establishment. Specifically designed for cool-season over-sowing and surface repairs, this innovative seed blend incorporates Tetraploid Ryegrasses renowned for their vigour and adaptability. With attributes like fast germination, strong colour retention, and resistance to diseases and drought, Pro Rapid Repair emerges as the go-to choice for demanding environments like Kilworth Springs Golf Club.

Joel shares insights into the unique challenges posed by Kilworth Springs Golf Club and the transformative impact of EuroGrass Pro Rapid Repair. “Maintaining grass here is no easy feat,” he remarks, referring to the club’s sandy and gravely, free-draining terrain. The course’s popularity, coupled with its inland links layout, subjects it to heavy wear and tear, especially around high-traffic areas like tees and approaches.

Joel’s quest for a resilient seed led him to EuroGrass Pro Rapid Repair. “We tried many different seeds,” he says. “We were looking for a seed which was hard-wearing, could establish quickly and could withstand low mowing heights. The EuroGrass Pro Rapid Repair stood out by far and ticks every box for us. In the growing season it is establishing within three or four days.”

Joel also highlights the critical role played by Pro Rapid Repair in rejuvenating damaged areas with remarkable speed and durability. “Last summer we had irrigation issues and had to dig up parts of the course. We overseeded with Pro Rapid Repair and within two weeks we were able to take those areas out of Ground Under Repair (GUR). That shows you just how well the seed works.”

According to Joel, the success story of EuroGrass Pro Rapid Repair wouldn’t be complete without acknowledging the exceptional customer support provided by his DSV representative Hamish Crichton and Rhys Norville from Regen Amenity, a DSV distributor. “Their expertise and support have been invaluable,” he adds. “As a head greenkeeper, you are so focussed on what you are doing and trying to achieve. Therefore, it can be beneficial to listen to other opinions and fresh perspectives.”

Kilworth Springs Golf Club’s transformation with EuroGrass Pro Rapid Repair sheds light on the rising prominence of the EuroGrass Pro Mixtures in the UK sports turf market.

With solutions tailored for various sports including golf, cricket, horseracing, and winter sports, the EuroGrass Pro range from DSV exemplifies versatility and effectiveness. As Joel summarises – “For us, EuroGrass Pro Rapid Repair is a winning solution.”

By Alistair May 28, 2024 08:35

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